I’m Miranda, and I inspire mamas to embrace motherhood with everything from sleepless nights to loving snuggles to the comfiest yoga pants and more. I understand the struggle of being a mom. It’s the BEST job in the world but it’s also the HARDEST, so I deliver content and resources to help you conquer motherhood, answer your questions, be your friend and make you laugh and feel inspired along the way.
For me, every morning starts with a cup of hot coffee and fun creamer that almost always goes cold, gets reheated twice and never gets drank. After having Jackson, I was NOT prepared for what motherhood meant. Instagram, blogs and even other moms I saw made it look so amazing, glamorous and easy. I was seriously struggling with not sleeping, muddling through how to raise and keep alive a tiny person and having to make dinner, clean, and shower on top of all of that. Y’all, why doesn’t anyone talk about how hard being a mom is?!
Motherhood is beautiful but it is hard.
Together we can make it easier.
I decided that I’m going to be that mom and that friend. Since Jackson only slept while I was holding him, it was the perfect opportunity for me to start my blog to share my motherhood journey for all the mamas out there who want the truth and to feel like they aren’t alone. I’ll share everything I’ve learned about motherhood, the ridiculous mistakes I’ve made to make you laugh, the tips and tricks I’ve learned so far, how to balance your life and motherhood and when to sneak in some me time.
Are you dying to know more? Here are 15 things you probably don’t know about me!